Mardin Turkey Tours

Turkey Tour Packages by Regions

Turkey Tourism by Regions

Turkey; With its geographical location, natural beauties and historical beauties, it is a country where both domestic and foreign tourists are in demand. While tourists from different parts of the world can visit Turkey, people from different parts of Turkey can participate in touristic trips. We have compiled for you the places you should visit according to the regions in Turkey, which has different beauties in each region. Now let’s examine these regions together.

Marmara Region

The Marmara Region is the region in the west of Turkey with the Sea of ​​Marmara in the middle. The Marmara Region, where Turkey’s most developed cities are located, is also highly developed in terms of tourism. Marmara Region, which has many types of tourism at the same time such as nature tourism, cultural tourism, summer tourism, winter tourism; It has developed cities such as Yalova, Tekirdağ, Sakarya, Kocaeli, Kırklareli, Istanbul, Edirne, Çanakkale, Bursa, Bilecik, Balıkesir. The Marmara region, the region with the highest tourism income, is a bridge between continents and seas. At this point, there are some places that you should definitely see in the Marmara region. These places are as follows.

  • Uludag Ski Center- Bursa
  • Manyas Birdlake- Balıkesir
  • Cunda Island- Balikesir
  • Kaz Mountains- Çanakkale
  • Troy Ancient City- Çanakkale
  • Sapanca Lake- Sakarya
  • Thermal Spas- Yalova
  • Ulubat Lake- Scholarship
  • Istanbul Prince Islands
  • Hagia Sophia Mosque- Istanbul
  • Sultan Ahmet Mosque and Square- Istanbul
  • Basilica Cistern-Istanbul
  • Topkapi Palace- Istanbul
  • Dolmabahce Palace- Istanbul

the Mediterranean region

The Mediterranean Region is one of the most developed regions of Turkey in terms of tourism. The Mediterranean Region, which constitutes an important tourism resource of Turkey especially in terms of winter tourism, hosts both domestic and foreign tourists throughout the year. The border of the Mediterranean Region, which is a region in the south of Anatolia and along the coast of the Mediterranean, is 1542 km in total from the Syrian border to Marmaris. The main lines of the Mediterranean Region, which is extremely rugged and mountainous due to its terrain, are determined by the Taurus Mountains. The Taurus Mountains, located on both sides of the Antalya Gulf, merge in the Lakes Region and become much closer to each other. There are many places to visit in the Mediterranean Region, which constitutes a large part of Turkey’s tourism resource. Now let’s examine together the places to visit in the Mediterranean Region, which is famous for its historical and natural beauties.

  • Side Ancient City- Antalya
  • Manavgat Waterfall – Antalya
  • Lake Eğirdir- Isparta
  • Lavender Valley- Isparta
  • Maiden’s Castle- Mersin
  • Mamure Castle- Mersin
  • Salda Lake- Burdur
  • Patara Ancient City and Beach- Fethiye
  • Kas- Antalya
  • Alanya- Antalya

black Sea region

The Black Sea region, located on the coast of the Black Sea, is the geographical region extending from the east of the Sakarya Plain to the Georgian border. The Black Sea Region, which ranks third among the regions in Turkey in terms of size, is known as the region with the largest local time difference in terms of East and West width. The most developed cities of the Black Sea Region are Samsun, Trabzon and Ordu. In addition, the cities of the region are as follows: Bolu, Giresun, Sinop, Kastamonu, Amasra, Artvin, Rize, Düzce, Kastamonu, Zonguldak, Tokat, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Bartın, Bolu, Karabük, Bartın, Çorum. The Black Sea Region is also highly developed in terms of tourism due to its natural and historical beauties. In this context, it is possible to examine the places to visit in the Black Sea Region in detail as follows.

  • Borcka- Artvin
  • Karagol- Artvin
  • Sumela Monastery- Trabzon
  • Uzungöl – Longlake – Trabzon
  • Rize Castle- Rize
  • ŞahinKaya Canyon- Samsun
  • Kulakkaya Canyon- Giresun
  • Storm Creek- Rize
  • Jason Church- Ordu
  • Altındere Valley- Trabzon
  • Abant Lake – Bolu
  • Bandırma Ferry Museum- Samsun
  • Ataturk’s Mansion- Trabzon
  • Hagia Sophia Museum- Trabzon

Aegean Region

Aegean Region, which is one of the most developed regions of Turkey in terms of tourism, is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea. The Aegean Region, which has the longest coastline in Turkey, attracts all attention with its historical places and various natural beauties. There are many important mountains such as Simav Mountains, Kaz Mountains and Dominiç Mountain in the region where the Mediterranean climate is dominant. The provinces of the Aegean Region, where urbanization is most intense, are; Denizli, Afyonkarahisar, Uşak, Aydın, İzmir, Manisa, Kütahya and Muğla. The Aegean Region, which is the 3rd region with the most crowded population, consists of the region, including the coastal Aegean and the inner Aegean. There are many places to visit in the Aegean Region, where there are many historical and natural places to visit. It is possible to list these places as follows.

  • Ephesus Ancient City- Izmir
  • Lake Bafa
  • Aphrodisias – Aydın
  • Pergamon Ancient City- Izmir
  • Seferihisar- Izmir
  • Kula – Manisa
  • Priene and Athena Temple- Aydın
  • Miletos Ancient City- Aydın
  • Cunda Island- Balikesir
  • Bodrum Underwater Archeology Museum

Central Anatolia Region

The Central Anatolia Region, which is located in the central part of Turkey in Anatolia, is called Central Anatolia. 151 km2 the Central Anatolia Region covers 21% of Turkey’s land. The Central Anatolia Region, which is the second largest region in terms of area, has a total of 13 provinces. These provinces are; Ankara, Konya, Kayseri, Eskişehir, Sivas, Kırıkkale, Aksaray, Karaman, Kırşehir, Niğde, Nevşehir, Yozgat and Çankırı. The Central Anatolia Region consists of 4 parts in general. The sections in question are Yukarı Sakarya, Middle Kızılırmak, Upper Kızılırmak and Konya section. A list of places to visit in the Central Anatolia Region, which is also developed in terms of places to visit. Let’s examine it together.

  • Museum Of Anatolian Civilization-
  • Konya Archeology Museum
  • Mausoleum
  • Konya Mevlana Museum
  • Alacahoyuk Museum
  • Cappadocia and Zelve Open Air Museum
  • Bogazkoy Museum
  • Sivas Archeology Museum
  • Odunpazari- Eskisehir
  • Salt Lake- Ankara

South East Anatolia Region

Southeastern Anatolia Region is the smallest region in terms of land lands in Turkey. The Southeastern Anatolia Region, separated by Karacadağ, stretches from the Taurus Mountains in the north to the borders of Syria and Iraq in the south. The weather, which is extremely dry in the months, becomes warm with the winter months. Diyarbakir is the most developed city of the Southeastern Anatolia Region, which has 9 provinces in total. In addition, the cities of the region are as follows: Adıyaman, Batman, Mardin, Kilis, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Siirt, Gaziantep and Şırnak. The places to be visited in the Southeastern Anatolia Region are as follows.

  • Deyrulzafaran Monastery- Mardin
  • Malabadi Bridge- Diyarbakir
  • Balikli lake- Sanliurfa
  • Mount Nemrut- Adıyaman
  • Mardin Castle- Mardin
  • Hizir Plateau- Gaziantep
  • Zeugman Ancient City and Museum- Gaziantep
  • Hasankeyf – Batman
  • Dara Ruins- Mardin
  • Mor Gabriel Monastery – Mardin

Eastern Anatolia Region

Eastern Anatolia Region, located in the easternmost part of Turkey, is the largest geographical region in Turkey with a surface area of ​​163,000 m2. The provinces in the region are Kars, Ağrı, Hakkari, Muş, Van, Elazığ, Bingöl and Tunceli. In addition, a region of Bitlis Malatya, Erzurum and Erzincan is located in the Eastern Anatolia Region. There are many places you can visit in the Eastern Anatolia Region, which consists of plains, wide plateaus and mountain ranges. These places are as follows.

  • Nemrut Crater Lake-Bitlis
  • Girlevik Waterfall- Erzincan
  • Floating Island- Bingol
  • Ani Ruins- Kars
  • Ishak Pasha Palace- Kars
  • Ahdamar Church- Van
  • Harput Castle- Elazig
  • Ahlat- Bitlis
  • Mount Ararat – Agri
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